Accreditation FAQs

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Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about APBA’s Accreditation? The FAQs below were developed using questions posed and feedback provided from interested individuals attending APBA meetings or submitting via a feedback form.

Have questions about accreditation requirements from the Behavior Analyst Certification Board® (BACB®)? Head over to their University Faculty Resources page to get more information and resources. VCS coordinators might be specifically interested in reviewing the information covering the Pathway 2 coursework attestation process that is scheduled to replace the BACB's VCS system.

Looking for a list of accredited programs? APBA has not yet begun to accept applications. Please check back frequently for more information.

Where can I find APBA's Accreditation Standards?

What is the purpose of APBA’s accreditation?

  • The purpose of APBA’s accreditation for master’s programs is to provide a choice for programs focusing on practitioner preparation that best aligns with their mission and focus.

Where can I find a list of APBA accredited programs?

  • APBA has not yet begun to accept applications for accreditation. Check back frequently for updates.

Is APBA’s accreditation pathway currently recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA)?

  • Currently, APBA’s accreditation board is not recognized by CHEA; however, the requirements were designed with that eventual goal in mind. CHEA has very specific requirements that must be met in to pursue an application for recognition, including that accreditation boards must already have some programs accredited. Once APBA meets the requirements to apply for CHEA recognition, we will begin the process of applying for recognition. 

Is accreditation only available for master’s programs, or can bachelor’s programs seek accreditation too?

  • Right now, accreditation is only available for master’s programs in the United States and Canada. 

Are stand-alone certificate programs included?

  • At this point, stand-alone graduate certificate programs are not included; just degree conferring programs. 

Do APBA accreditation requirements align with future BACB® requirements for master’s programs?

  • Yes, APBA accreditation requirements closely align with the updated BACB® requirements for programs. Required coursework maps onto BACB® requirements for verified course sequences.
  • Have questions about accreditation requirements from the Behavior Analyst Certification Board® (BACB®)? Head over too their University Faculty Resources page to get more information and resources. 

Is there a requirement for a specific number of core faculty and, if so, is there a definition?

  • We do not have a requirement for this in our current set of requirements. The accreditation board is currently working on developing the details of the requirements. If there are suggestions or recommendations around this, please submit them using our feedback form. 

How many hours will be required in principles and concepts?

  • The requirement is for 45 hours of content in principles and concepts. 

What about programs on the quarter system?

  • The application materials will allow for a demonstration of how the total course hours are met for programs on the quarter system.

Will basic/experimental thesis count as an acceptable capstone project under the requirements?

  • Theses and capstone projects must center around activities that demonstrate a student’s competency in applicable activities that allow for the evaluation of core activities relevant to being a practitioner of applied behavior analysis. Programs could develop a multi-component capstone project that includes activities focused on basic or experimental behavior analysis research activities, provided the overall out of the capstone project meets the requirements. Programs could also provide a wide variety of optional activities and learning experiences for students, including basic or experimental research activities.

What is the timeline for accreditation?

  • We understand the need for additional accreditation pathways and are hoping to support the programs seeking our accreditation in a timely manner. The specific timing for our accreditation process to begin (i.e., master’s programs being able to submit materials for accreditation) depends on several factors; but rest assured that the Accreditation Board and subject matter workgroups are hard at work. The Accreditation Board will work as swiftly as possible in a manner that prioritizes quality.

What will application fees and site visit costs be?

  • Application fees will be comparable to other accreditation fees.

What happens if an accredited program drops below the minimum accepted pass rate for the BACB exam?

  • Our accreditation board will develop mechanisms and processes for when we encounter scenarios like this. We will take a behavior-analytic approach that involves support and diagnostics of barriers related to the decrease in pass rates to support the program in developing an improvement plan.

Individuals can get involved in APBA’s accreditation process in many ways Use the link in the "Stay Informed" section below to let us know how you'd like to get involved. Opportunities for involvement include:
  • Being an applicant
  • Volunteering to support the Accreditation Board’s development efforts
  • Serving as a Reviewer
  • Serving on the Accreditation Board 

Stay Informed

If you want to make sure that you receive updates from the Accreditation Board straight to your inbox, please complete the APBA Accreditation Email List and Volunteer Form

Have Feedback to Share?

Please use the APBA Accreditation Feedback Form to share ideas and feedback and to indicate that you'd like to support APBA by volunteering some of your time.

Have a Question?

Please email us at